28 Life Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 28

Throughout my twenty-eight years on this earth, I have learned many things that have helped me transform as a human, as well as those around me. Here are the 28 lessons I’ve learned by age 28:

#1: Always better to ask permission than to beg for forgiveness

This not only applies to childhood, but for adulthood and adult relationships as well. Just a good life lesson in general.

#2: Never spend more than what you have

Credit cards and owing people money can stack up quicker than you can expect, so don’t spend money you don’t have.

#3: The best friendships are two-sided

What I mean by this is that both parties of the friendship are putting equal time and effort into the relationship. If a friendship is one-sided, it will not survive.

#4: Food is fuel

Good food = lots of energy, Bad food = very little energy

Of course, it is subjective to what you think is good and bad food, but just think of how the food makes you feel after you eat it, and that will help with your answer.

#5: Keep those in your life who put in the time/effort to be in yours

#6: Your toughest critic is yourself — be gentle

As you are surrounded by an internal monologue of your conscience, you are your toughest critic. It is easier to say than do but try to be gentle with yourself and how you talk to yourself.

#7: You have complete control of your thoughts — they do not control you

The negative thoughts do not have to continue and overcome your life; you can control your thoughts and re-direct the thought in a different direction. It takes conscious time and effort to control your thoughts towards the positive.

#8: Your family does not have to be only biological

You can make your family whoever you want it to be. Choose those who make you feel like you are home when you are around them and will cheer you on through the good and bad in your life. Sometimes, biological family doesn’t provide that, and it’s okay to take breaks of communication.

#9: Mental health is just as important as physical health

#10: Good communication requires listening, feedback and patience

#11: Asking for help is not a shameful thing

#12: The only one who can tell you how to live your life is you

#13: Your body will change even in your adult years, and that’s okay

#14: Practice forgiveness for life longevity, not for trends

#15: Learning about love languages is extremely helpful

I have a full blog post about love languages right here, in case you are interested to learn about them.

#16: Financial literacy is vital for adult life

If you are not financially literate, you are not going to succeed in your adult life. There are so many things to consider, such as: taxes, mortgages, renting vs. owning property, different type of financial savings plans like Roth IRAs, etc.

#17: Nothing changes if nothing changes

If you do not put in effort to change your thoughts and mannerisms, then nothing will change in your life. Cause and effect is a real thing.

#18: Copying what people do will not help you be your authentic self

#19: Not everyone is destined to travel on the stereotypical life path

You, by no means, have to go to school, then college, then get engaged, then get married, then have kids… this stereotypical life path is not meant for everyone. Make your life the life you want, in whatever order you want.

#20: Good handwriting will never go out of style

The more we venture into the digital age, the less we see handwriting in every day life. I still get complimented by my good handwriting to this day, and I never regret perfecting my handwriting when I was younger.

#21: You are never too old to learn something new

#22: Try to not get lost in the past or the future, and enjoy the present moment as it is

If you are focusing on the past/future, you are losing the present moment that is right in front of your face. Do your best to be in the present moment.

#23: Saying “no” is okay to do, and a perfect way to start a boundary

Have some plans you are already obligated to, and someone from work invited you to a last-minute work function? It’s okay to say no and not attend every single event you are invited to, or when you simply don’t have the energy to expend for that person or situation. Keep your peace, and say “no” every now and then, to keep the boundary alive.

#24: Marriages can be an everlasting friendship

I have to say, ever since I got married to my husband (Garrett) in 2018, our friendship and our marriage has grown in more ways than one, and I truly believe that marriages can be an everlasting friendship. Sometimes, marriages are just partners together. But my husband I have a unique marriage, that feels like he’s my best friend and my husband in the same person.

#25: Think before you speak and act.

Sometimes, your first instinct is not the best instinct. Make sure to sit on the thought that is currently stewing and think before you speak and act.

#26: Motivation is nothing without discipline

You can have all the motivation in the world, but it means nothing without the discipline to back it up and put the motivation into action.

#27: You cannot change people

You can only change yourself.

#28: You are not always going to get what you want

Life is not always riding on a high, as much as we all would like it to. There are highs and lows in life, and we must experience the lows and not get what we want from time to time, in order to get back to the times where spirits are high, and everything is falling into place.

I wish you all a Happy New Year, and let’s manifest the best versions of ourselves for 2024.

Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


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