Easy Ways to Create an Inviting Home

Creating an inviting home is easy, but it does take a lot of thought, planning, and execution. I believe that when we bring people into our home, it is important to make sure they feel invited, comfortable, and welcome...and this starts with of course, your heart, but also the feel of your home. If you have been trying to create a home that welcomes people in, but you haven’t hit the nail on the head quite yet, these tips should help you! Here are a few easy ways to create an inviting home, no matter what stage you are in:

Start with the entryway

Your entryway is the first thing that welcomes your guests when they step inside your home, so make sure you spend extra time decorating your entrance! The front of your home should usher in your guests with great lighting, a piece of art or a mirror if you have the space, something that will draw your guests attention into your home. When decorating, feel free to experiment with decor. Go bold and try to find a statement piece or go with something as simple as a chic welcome mat!

One important thing to note when decorating: your home does not need to be Pinterest perfect. While Pinterest is great for getting ideas on what you do and do not like, instead of focusing on trying to replicate an image that you see, take ideas from the image(s) and only implement what you truly love into your own home.

Don’t forget the house plants

Adding natural elements, like plants, into your decor will bring life to your space, making it more inviting. Also, make sure to vary the types of plants you add into your space. From tall leafy plants to fragrant flowers, experiment with different plants to bring life to the room and make it more inviting. Another perk of adding in house plants? They are good for your air quality! NASA has quite a few studies on this, so if you are questioning that, check those out. Once you do add in some house plants, don’t forget to check out my natural miracle grow...aka. Banana peel water. It works wonders!

Don’t forget about the small details

When you are trying to find easy ways to create an inviting home, you cannot forget about the small details - and there are plenty of those that you can try to incorporate. The small details that you incorporate into your home decor will look different compared to your next door neighbor. Maybe you love pictures from destinations that you’ve visited, or maybe you prefer to skip the pictures, but like providing your guests with a copious amount of coffee cups... Or maybe you love the way a simple beeswax candle smells (or looks). Whatever “small details” are important to you, make sure to add them in.

Move furniture around to make more space

If your rooms are too cluttered and closed off, you might just need to re-arrange the furniture within each room to open up your space a bit more. When you create more space in a room - even if it just appears that there is more room -  it automatically feels more open, inviting, and well designed. Get creative and have fun with it! Your furniture can move from room to room to switch things up and decor pieces can move around the house, too. Just because one room is technically the sitting room does not mean that you have to keep it that way. If you need help moving around furniture, there are two people you can reach out to. You could reach out to an interior designer (reach out to me!) to help create a better layout for your home or room, or if you just need help actually moving and placing your items, you could reach out to a local moving company such as College Dudes Help U Move. They are local NC-based movers who can help with furniture moving (which is the service you would use), residential moving, storage solutions, packing help, or even Charlotte NC Gun Safe Moving. They say that they go the extra mile to make sure that you are satisfied with their services, which is always a great thing. If hiring a moving company isn’t your style, see if there are college students in your neighborhood who can help you out!

Add soft textures

Adding different textures to your home design is one of the most simple tricks when it comes to making your home more inviting. Adding soft textures and textiles creates a sense of coziness. From fluffy carpets to interesting throw blankets or pillows, surrounding yourself and guests with these soothing textures they can touch will make them feel comfortable. Texture is also easy to integrate into the design of your home and makes it feel much less stiff, making it more inviting, instead.

What tips can you share about ways you make your home inviting? Let me know!

Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


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