Why I Decided to Cut My Hair

It’s no secret that hair can make or break an appearance. And I feel like I have always struggled with my hair, whether it’s because of my hair texture or my hair length. And I figured while working from home that I would be the best time to cut my hair to a pixie cut. Now, the weight is literally lifted off of my shoulders and I could not be happier. If you would like to figure out why I decided to cut my hair or my experience throughout this hair experience, keep scrolling down to read!

Why did I decide to cut my hair?

There are so many different reasons for me cutting my hair, so let’s just list them out.

  1. Tired of getting headaches from putting my hair up

  2. Never getting to wear my hair without putting in product or applying heat

  3. Hair grows out instead of down


  5. Split ends all around

Not to forget that this might be the only time in my life where I can cut my hair this short. In the future, when I am hopefully a mom, I don’t think I will have time to maintain a pixie cut. So this is as good of a time as any to get my hair cut into a pixie cut!

How is my pixie cut affecting me today?

I didn’t think that my pixie cut would affect me and how I think, but it sure did. The second I went out in public (i.e. the grocery store) I could feel all the eyes on me. I guess people are not used to seeing a girl with a pixie cut?

I have also noticed that my self-confidence has increased when I style my hair and make my outfit highlight my hair and my bodily features. I guess my hair was just getting in the way of the other beauty I have within. But I cannot wait to see how my personality and confidence levels change as this hair literally grows on me.

Advice for anyone who wants to take the big chop?

Here are a couple of pieces of advice for those who want to cut their hair short:

  • Do your research with the type of hairstyle

  • Know your hair texture

  • Research your hairstylist to make sure they are versatile

  • Look up hair inspiration for your face shape

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your friends, family and/or hairstylist

I received a lot of helpful information from @allthingneena, as I saw her hair photos on Pinterest when I was looking for inspiration.

Here are some of the photos from after my hair cut!


What other questions do you have for me?

Any other advice for those fellow people with pixie cuts?

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


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