Why Asking for Help Does Not Make You Weak

It seems like it is Mental Health Awareness month on Inspired by Diane, since I have been putting out lots of content this month centered around mental health. And I know it sounds crazy, but most of my blog post ideas come to me when I’m either in the shower, or in the drive-thru lane while getting some food. This idea came into my head about asking for help, and why people might not want to ask for help because it might make them appear weak. I am super passionate about asking for help & advocating for other people to ask for help, and wanted to tell you all today why I believe that asking for help does not make you weak.

Asking for help makes you stronger

Reading that statement above might make you tilt your head a little. And you might be asking yourself - why would asking for help make me stronger? Asking for help means that you are strong enough to realize that you may not have all the answers yet. Admitting to someone, even yourself, that you need some help, might make you vulnerable. But showing that you are vulnerable is not easy to do. We do not like to show people our true colors, and we would much rather keep everything inside and locked away.

You do not have to know how to do everything on the first try. You should not be afraid to ask someone for clarification on something you simply do not understand. Individually, you are not the know-it-all of every trade there is to learn about in this world.

Be open to asking for help. Don’t let asking for help bring you down from doing something yourself. You might regret not asking for help on that one project (that you said you could do all by yourself) and end up making the project not what you intended.

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect on the first try

One of the reasons that we, as humans, don’t ask for help is because we want to get it right on the first try & have other people be proud of us. For example: you got assigned an essay that you are so excited to write about because it is a topic that really intrigues you. But you’re afraid to ask for help on research because you don’t want to look dumb in front of your friends, or something like that.

Why would you jeopardize your grade on an essay, just for the mere fact of pride? You should not have to be afraid to ask for help on something you don’t know about, just because you want to get, whatever it is, right the first time. We should allow ourselves to make mistakes, and not beat ourselves down because we got something wrong - but raise ourselves up because we have a chance to learn and grow. We are not computers, that are programmed to be mostly error-proof. Be gracious with yourself, and let yourself make some mistakes.

You are not bothering them by asking for help

There are some people in my life that are very close to me & know that I love helping people, just for the fact that helping people makes me happy. I do not find it bothersome at all when people ask for help. Did you know that there are people out there who have dedicated themselves to an event in life? Let me explain…

If you are experiencing anxiety or depression, there are therapists and counselors who dedicate their careers to help people with anxiety/depression.

These people want to help you with what you are going through. And you can always reach out to me here if you need to talk about anything at all.

I hope I changed your perspective, or further encouraged your perspective, about how asking for help does not make you weak - it makes you stronger.

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


How to Take Care of Your Mental Health During the Holidays


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