Manifesting Positivity Into Your Life

If you want to live an inspired & positive lifestyle, manifesting positivity into your life is a great step into the right direction. I've discussed manifestation and positivity on my blog before, and I wanted to dedicate this entire blog post into telling you all how to manifest positivity into your life. I believe that living a positive lifestyle can truly help with your overall mindset & outlook on life. Let's get started!

Manifestation, if you are unaware, is a process you can follow where you try to bring something into your desired reality by your thoughts, dreams and goals into your physical reality. I first learned about manifestation back in 2018, when I was researching ways to combat my anxiety & depression I was dealing with on a daily basis.

With manifestation comes the Law of Attraction, which I have also spoken about on my blog in the blog post titled Why You Need the Law of Attraction in Your Life by Esther.

One of the things I have mentioned in that blog post was how we act as human magnets by sending out our thoughts & emotions into the world, and attracting back more of what we have put out into the world. People who have a pessimistic attitude towards life tend to think & reminisce on the bad things that happen throughout their day. But people who tend to think with a positivity attitude towards life can recognize the bad things in their day, and move on because it is pointless to reminsce on a negative thought that you have no control over anymore.

When researching how to manifest positivity into your life, I ran across a blog post from Throughout the Phases about 11 manifestation tips fpr manifesting a positive life. They said one thing that really spoke to me:

In the process of neuroplasticity, every time we think a thought or go down a certain route in our brain we are strengthening those neural pathways. The stronger the neural pathways become, the more we go down that route. So in other words, if you think negative thoughts all the time then nothing is going to change. You aren’t going to manifest positivity because your brain is quite literally wired to be negative.

I love the way she phrased this, because it really rang true for me! And it got me thinking about some ways that you could manifest positivity into your life.

Way #1: Set boundaries, both digitally and mentally

Have you utilized the app timer on your phone at all? It is a beautiful function that most smart phones have native to their settings. Essentially, you can set timers for specific apps to only be used for a pre-set amount of time within 24 hours. You could go by the recommended time in the settings, or set your own time limit. I love setting a digital boundary like this, as it helps me separate from my phone after the work day, so I can focus on my husband, my dog, and decompressing after a long day.

Another way you can set boundaries is by doing it mentally. What I mean by this is separating moments in your day in your head. Once your work starts, you are in work mode. After work, you are converting into relaxing mode. So by leaving your work in the work section of your day, and relaxing in the relaxing section of your day, your brain will start segmenting these times in your day so that you naturally begin to do it.

Way #2: Look at positive content

Most of the news that is shown on TV and social media is negatively skewed. It is very rare and far between that you come across some positive content. I know on ABC News with David Muir, the host mentions different news segments that happened throughout the country that day, and at the very end of the episode there is either a positive moment or some people's hero to appreciate.

By looking at positive content instead of content that serves no purpose to you, it will help you begin to see that you can manifest positivity into your life. Looking at positive content will allow you to subconsciously think positive contents, since you digested that positive content. Some ways that you can look at positive content is:

  • follow positive accounts on social media

  • limit the amount of news you look at in a day

  • un-follow accounts that are not positive / don't serve any purpose to you

Way #3: Try out a gratitude practice

There are plenty of apps, journals and websites that exist that are aimed towards gratitude, or the practice of gratitude. If you do not know what gratitude is, Oxford Dictionary defines it as: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Here are some ways I suggest practicing gratitude:

  • download one of these gratitude apps: Gratitude, 365 Gratitude, Grateful, Presently, Reflectly, Three Good Things

  • buy a gratitude journal

  • use gratitude journal prompts daily in your morning or evening routine

Way #4: Recognizing the negativity, and moving past it

There was a moment in my work day recently where something happened and it really threw my whole day off. I was caught up in it all day, either thinking about it or just dealing with it in general. After a call with my husband, he helped me realize that it wasn't a big deal. Saying it isn't a big deal is easier said than dealt with, since in my head I was still dealing with it. I heard in my voice that I was upset, but I was trying not to be upset anymore because there was literally nothing else I could change that thing at work in that specific moment.

After a self-assessment, I realized that I needed to recognize that this negative thing happened to me, understand that there is nothing I could do to change it at that moment, and move past it so I could focus my energy on something else. This is something I am still practicing, but I think it is a useful way to manifest positivity into your life, rather than dealing with something negative that is eating up all your energy and time.

Way #5: Smile more

Have you heard the old tale that faking a smile will actually help you start smiling for real? I tried smiling after I had a good cry session, and it felt weird at first, but it helped me get out of the sad mood, surprisingly. I know that smiling is kind of counter-productive during our mask-wearing days, but I believe it is scientifically proven that smiling releases a chemical in your brain that produces a hormone of happiness. Don't believe me? Look it up! It's a real thing that smiling will help you become happy, and therefore manifesting positivity in your life by smiling.

Did you learn about a new way to manifest positivity into your life?

Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this post, or want more posts like this!

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.

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