Lazy Hacks for Lazy Girls

What is a girl to do when she wants to dress like a 10, but is feeling like a 3? I know I’m not the only one who has that feeling of “man, I really don’t want to do anything this morning.” If you’re like me and like to think smarter, and not harder, keep reading to find out my 5 lazy hacks for lazy girls!

Pants too tight?

Have you ever had that moment where your pants just won’t button? Whether it was due to bloating or overeating, I had to do something to make sure that my pants still fit.

My hack? Well it’s not much of a hack, but more of a “belly band for pregnant women” hack. What you do is loop a hair tie through the pants button hole, and then get the end of the loop on your pants button.

That way, your pants still button but you got a little bit of breathing room. How cool is that?

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Want a messy bun?

There are so many techniques out there for how to pull off a messy bun, but I have tried them all and had no success. Finally, after finding a random video on YouTube, I found a full-proof method that gives me results every time.

The trick is this: weave your fingers through your hair (like claws) and form your ponytail around that claw. To better explain this technique, follow the video below. I use method #1 in the video.

Need to smell good all day?

There’s an easy way to make sure that your good smelling perfume/body spray will last you all day.

What you have to do is spray in the following places: inside of your wrists, behind your ear, nape of your neck, base of your throat, inside your elbow, and behind your knee.

These locations on the body are where your sweat glands are. So instead of spraying all over your body and having your scent fade, try spraying in these areas to ensure that you smell good all day.


In need of a minimal makeup look?

Some mornings are a little bit tougher than others, but I don’t want my face looking that way!

On those tough-to-wake-up days, I want to put on some makeup to show others that I put a little bit of effort in, but no so much that it takes me longer than 5 minutes to get ready.

For my minimal makeup look, I wear concealer under my eyes/on my eyelids, eyebrows filled in and brushed, a small layer of mascara, and some sort of lip product. Having this basic set of makeup is a good guideline to follow on mornings where you just wanna sleep in. Try this set of makeup and add whatever components you want to make the look yours!

Here is a good follow-along video if you need some reference.

Want simple curls without the heat?

If your hair is longer than a bob, then this hair hack will work for you!

With wet or damp hair, put a thick headband around your head like a halo. Then, section your hair off like how you would for small curls. Loop one strand around the headband, and make sure the end of the strand is tucked underneath the headband and secure. Repeat this motion with the other sections of your hair, moving from one side of your head to the other.

The next morning, carefully remove the hairband while keeping your curls intact. This hairstyling trick will save you time in the morning, without the heat or chemicals.


Well there you have it! I hope these lazy hacks help those who say "5 more minutes" in the morning.

Let me know if these hacks work for you!

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.

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