My Blogging Goals for 2022

Blogging used to be a huge passion for me. But then life got in the way, and my attention was elsewhere — not on my blog. I wasn't getting inspired, I wasn't changing, and most importantly I was not writing. I love writing just for the sake of writing, so posting a blog post and hopefully inspiring some readers around the world (like you reading this post) with whatever I decide to post about. So here I am, showing up for you and myself, to hopefully manifest some blogging goals I set for myself for 2022.

Refining my branding to my liking

I feel like ever since I began my blog in 2017/18, I was constantly creating a new version of what I wanted my blog identity to look like. It has definitely evolved with me as I have also grown and changed how I perceive myself throughout the years. But it is hard to have an everchanging brand identity/branding, as it will make it harder for potential readers to find your blog & know it is yours. I know my URL will never change, as I always strive to inspire others, but the logo, font, color scheme, and formatting I would like to be refined to my liking by the new year.

To get at least 100 readers a week, consistently

In the past 30 days, I have had 99 visitors to my blog. And let's just assume that about 50% of those visitors actually read a blog post. Funnel that down even more to the visitors/readers that read every new blog post. My point is, on average, my consistent reader base is very small. Before I get any comments — I just want everyone to know that I am so incredibly thankful for every reader & visitor that finds Inspired by Diane. My ultimate goal, however, is to grow and connect with more readers in a meaningful way that allows them to come back for more content.

I would love to have a consistent readership base that always comes back to view the next blog post. And if that one person tells their friend to check out my blog, and that person begins a domino effect...the result could bring me exposure that could eventually bring me more income and possibly (if my dreams allow) have blogging be my full-time job and replace my 9-5 job that I currently have. Which goes on to my next point...

To create income in some way, through blogging

I am putting it out in the universe that I'm going to make some type of income off of my blog this year. My ultimate goal, in the end, is to make blogging my full-time job, but we will save that for another time. I know there are plenty of blog networks and management groups that exist to help bloggers make income off of blog posts and affiliate links.

I've had this blog since 2018, and have only had one paid opportunity in its entire existence. Let's hope 2022 has great stuff in store for Inspired by Diane!

To take social media more seriously

If you aren't following the @inspiredbydianeblog Instagram page, you're missing out on some cute graphics and (hopefully soon) an inside scoop on myself and what I do daily. I want to be more active on social media, as well as try to make some paid opportunities happen from social media. Whether that is Pinterest or Instagram, here's wishing it into existence!! You have to say it out loud to make it happen, right?

If I have any readers that have tips for making money off of social media or blogging, please let me know with the contact form on my site! I'd so appreciate it!!

To build an audience that inspires and collaborates

I am not sure if I have a consistent readership that I could consider my audience here on Inspired by Diane. I also don’t know how to read my analytics properly, and that is a skill I hope to improve on in 2022. If you are a reader of my blog posts consistently, I thank you IMMENSELY for your support throughout the years. This blog post is actually going up on the anniversary of my first blog post back in 2018 called Anniversary Time. Once this blog post is published, I will be enjoying a game night at home with my husband, celebrating him proposing to me 5 years ago, today.

I am getting beside the point at hand — I want to build an audience that comes back to read my blog posts, gets inspired with me, and also inspires me with their perspectives. My DM’s are always open on Instagram, both on @inspiredbydianeblog and @dianesmullis. If you’d like to collaborate, or just give a suggestion on a blog post you’d like to see on here, I fully welcome it!

If you have any suggestions or questions for me, leave them in the comments below, or message me on social media!

Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.

How I Created My 2022 Vision Board


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