5 Ways to Find Inspiration in Your Daily Life

We all need a little inspiration now and then, including myself — the girl who runs an inspirational lifestyle & wellness blog. Whether it's finding motivation to do something, or simply needing a bit of a creative spark, we often turn to the resources at hand for ideas. But what if you could find inspiration within your daily life? Here are 5 tips to help you discover the creative potential that can inspire you within your daily life.

Notice the Tiny Details

Have you ever noticed when you light a candle, the room smells better? (It should, anyway). Now, here is another notion. When that candle is lit, do you notice what exactly is the scent in the air? Maybe a more citrus-y scent or leaning towards the musk-y side... but your candle has scents/notes that are meant to be picked up on. I challenge you to truly notice the tiny details when lighting your candles. Taking this step of paying close attention to the scent caused by candles can be an example of an approach to apply to your daily life. You can also try to notice the tiny details within your morning coffee, breakfast of choice, the weather outside, etc. Make the world your oyster of inspiration.

Your Morning /Evening Routine

After doing a set routine for a period of time, life begins to run on autopilot. But what if looked for inspiration in your daily life & mixed up one or two things within your routine?

Of course, not everyone's morning routine takes place in typical morning hours (ahem, third shift). Regardless, try creating your own inspiration. in your life by maybe working out at a different time, or maybe trying a new breakfast idea to take place of your current fixation. Try opening your mind on new things to try. you might surprise yourself.

Your Wardrobe / Fashion Sense

How long have you been dressing as you currently are? I am certain that the majority of the population that wears clothes, will wear the same articles of clothing in the same way, every time you put them on.

But what if we challenged ourselves & tried piecing together different articles of clothing into a new outfit idea? For example, maybe you can try pairing your trusty black t-shirt & pair it with some patterned pants? By challenging yourself to think outside of the box with things you already own, inspiration may come about in a way you didn't expect.

The inspiration can be big or small. What matters is... YOU ARE GETTING INSPIRED BY SOMETHING.

The Content You Digest

With so many sources of digital media we have at hand, it becomes so much that you don't know where to start amongst the plethora of content to digest.

You might be asking yourself... how can I get inspired by the content I digest? Well, let me tell you via a small story. I usually listen to podcasts when driving in my car. And the podcast genres I was listening to was either crime-related or knowledge-related. (If you want a blog post about my most listened to podcasts, let me know!)

One day, it just came to the point where I was ready. to listen to something new. I ended up finding podcasts that covered topics in my niche that I was interested in, such as self-development, wellness. and lifestyle. Then came along the podcasts I listened to which were: What We Said, Content Creators Podcast, GUT TALK with Jill and Jenna.... among others in my library. By listening to these new podcasts, I was getting Inspired by the content they share & how they segment it in a digestible way for the. listeners, like myself.

The Environment You Are In

Have you ever understood the phenomena of going to a coffee shop or a library to exclude yourself to get things done? I never really understood it either, but I love going to a new location to accomplish my tasks at hand.

Maybe, you can do your homework in a different part of the house. Or venture outside the house & visit your local coffee shop as a change of scenery. This small adjustment to your visual scenery can inspire you in ways your other environment couldn't.

What are your thoughts on these tips for finding inspiration in your daily life?

Did you find this blog post at all helpful?

Let me know in the comments!

Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


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