Questions for the Married Couple: Garrett and Diane

Since now is the ultimate time to get to know your significant other, I decided to host a little Q&A on my Instagram for your guys' questions for Garrett and I, as a married couple. Hopefully, this blog post will give you a slight insight into married life - but every marriage is different, so remember that.

Let's A these Qs!


What is your favorite part of your wedding?

Garrett: At the end of the night, when you dropped the wine on yourself & picking the glass out of your dress was my favorite part

Diane: Our first dance was my favorite part of our wedding because we have been imagining that for years

What is our favorite thing about being married?

Garrett: My favorite thing about being married is

Diane: My favorite part about being married is being able to call him my husband

How has marriage changed our relationship?

Garrett: I don't think it did. It changed the way we file taxes, that's about it

Diane: It hasn’t changed our relationship. Just made it better

What was our first purchase as a married couple?

Garrett: I think our first purchase was food, honestly.

Diane: The first purchase we made was food for sure.

When did Garrett know he wanted to marry me?

Garrett: I honestly don’t know when. But I just knew it since the beginning that I wanted to marry her.

When did I know I wanted to marry Garrett?

Diane: When I couldn’t imagine my life without him, that’s when I knew he was meant to be a part of my life forever. I think that was maybe around the 6-month mark?

How is being quarantined together?

Garrett: I like it - I get more time with you and I like you being home more often.

Diane: It’s like the same day over and over again, but different games are played. But I love having time with him.

What is our next relationship move?

Garrett: A baby, whenever we are ready.

Diane: Whenever we can support ourselves without any trouble, then we can consider having a baby. Can’t take care of a baby if we can’t take care of ourselves first.

How is being married different than just living together?

Garrett: It's no different to me at all. We already did everything as if we were married. The only different thing is the government recognizing that we are married.

Diane: One thing I think is different is that in your head, you are coming home to your husband/wife, and not just your boyfriend/girlfriend that you live with. It feels different to me, at least.

How compatible are we? (astrology wise)

According to…

What’s the best aspect of the Capricorn-Pisces relationship? It’s their unique blend of temperaments. Both partners enjoy sharing their lives with someone else, and both like to help others achieve their goals. Their difference in temperaments makes theirs a highly compatible relationship.

Garrett is a Pisces, and I am a Capricorn.

Advice: when you’re not in the “honeymoon phase” anymore?

Garrett: Remember why you are with them in the first place.

Diane: Try to keep the “spark” alive by doing fun things randomly, like scavenger hunts in your house,

Advice: when things take an unexpected turn?

Garrett: Just talk it out - communication is the best way to get through the tough stuff.

Diane: Communication and being open is the best thing to do when taking an unexpected turn. Remember that they care for you and (hopefully) should want the best for you.

Advice: first fight?

Garrett: Don’t stay mad at them for too long, because you love them.

Diane: When you have your first fight, just remember to breathe and listen to the other side. If things get too heated, just go into another room until you can think first and talk second. Too often in fights, you talk before you think, so you need to calm down to talk rationally.

Well, there you have it! Hopefully, you have learned a little bit more about us as a couple, and we hope that the advice helps!

If you have any other questions for us, feel free to ask them on my Instagram via DM, or on the contact page here on my blog.

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.

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